Following the open forum on Student Experience of Instruction (SEI) in March we are holding another open forum on Sept. 28, 2021, 12:00-1:30 p.m. During this event we will provide updates about work being done to implement recommendations about SEI endorsed by both UBC Senates in May of 2020, focusing in particular on revisions to the University Module Questions that were endorsed by Senate committees at both UBCO and UBCV in August. These revised questions are being implemented on student end-of-course surveys starting in Winter Term 1, Fall 2021, so this open forum provides a useful opportunity to discuss the rationale behind the changes and answer questions.
As a reminder, at the open forum in March we discussed changes to the end-of-course student surveys, including a change in the name of the surveys from “Student Evaluations of Teaching” to “Student Experience of Instruction.”
At the open forum on September 28 we will begin with updates on implementing the recommended changes to SEI, and we will also open the floor to questions from participants. We invite you to submit questions ahead of the open forum through the registration process.
- Opening remarks
- Updates on Senate-endorsed recommendations regarding SEI
- Revisions to UMI Questions
- Metrics and reporting on results
- Integrative approach to evaluation of teaching
- Next steps
- Analysis of text comments
- Faculty and unit-level questions: development of an Item bank
- Senate policies
- Panel for Q&A
Thank you,
Dr. Christina Hendricks, Academic Director, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, and Chair, Student Experience of Instruction Implementation Committee
Dr. Tanya Forneris, Interim Academic Lead, Centre for Teaching and Learning, and member of the Student Experience of Instruction Implementation Committee
Update: Slides and Notes
We thank everyone who attended the open forum on the changes to the Student Experience of Instruction, on September 28, 2021. We have posted the slides and a set of notes from the event. You can view the notes and alternate text for the slides here (PDF), and the slides from the forum: September 2021 Open Forum slide deck with information about the changes (PDF).
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