This policy derives from recommendations approved by Senate in 1978, 1991, 1996, 1999, 2000, and 2006, and is in alignment with the conditions for appointment for faculty, sessional, and part-time faculty members. The policy also applies to teaching assistants when they take on substantial responsibility for student learning experience in a course. It applies to all undergraduate, graduate and continuing studies courses offered at UBC.
Student evaluation of teaching has four major goals:
- To provide data that will be used to continuously improve the student’s learning experience.
- To provide students, departments, faculties and the University with a source of data about the overall quality of teaching.
- To provide teachers with information on their teaching performance and to assist with the further development of their teaching.
- To provide the University with data on the quality of teaching to be used for operational purposes, including but not limited to assessment of faculty for merit and/or performance adjustment salary awards, promotion, tenure and institutional recognition.