Please note: this page is intended for instructors who are trying to access their own teaching results for evaluations administered in 2018 Winter Term 1 or later. Because of a change in systems, please see a different page for how to access individual results before 2018W1.
To access published evaluation results for the University Module Items, please see the University Module Items results page; published evaluation results are open to the UBC community and you will need to log in with your CWL to view them.
Instructors and TAs
Instructors and TAs may access their evaluation reports through Canvas ( Reports are organized by term, please follow the reports link to view your reports (as shown in the screen capture image below).

Note for Safari users: If you receive a “Too many redirects…” error, please use a different browser, such as Chrome.
Heads, Directors or Dean’s Offices
Heads, Directors or Dean’s Offices may access the reports of your instructors or TAs through Canvas ( Similar to individual instructor/TA reports, reports are organized by term, please follow the reports link to view the reports.
To request access to the Evaluation Reports, please complete the Student Experience of Instruction (SEI) Administrative Access Form.