Student Experience of Instruction
- Report to UBC Senates: Final Report on Student Experience of Instruction Recommendations (October 2022)
- Discussion paper on integrated evaluation of teaching (to feed into work that will be done by a cross-campus Senate committee on this topic) (October 2021)
- Two-page Student Experience of Instruction primer for Faculty (September 2021)
- Report to Senate Teaching & Learning Committee: Re-envisioning the Student Experience of Instruction Survey Questions from the Student Perspective: Authored by Stephanie McKeown, PhD; Abdel-Azim Zumrawi, PhD; Camilo Peña, PhD (candidate) (August 2021)
- Report to UBC Senates: Progress on Student Experience of Instruction Recommendations (May 2021)
- Report of the Student Evaluations of Teaching Working Group to UBCV and UBCO Senates (May 2020)
Student Evaluation of Teaching (prior to 2018)
- Response Rates: A case study based on variability in UBC student ratings of instructors (July 2013)
- Review of the Variables that Influence Student Evaluation of Teaching (February 2013)
- Two Years of Online Administration in Arts and Science (June 2010)
- Student Evaluations of Teaching Report: Compilation of Studies related to Response Rates (April 2010)
- Examinations of the Effects on Average UMI Ratings of Online vs. Paper-and-Pencil (November 2009)
- Study of Gender by Field of Study (October 2009)
- Report on the Spring 2008 focus groups regarding the University Module Items
- Report to the Provost on Modification of UMIs (August 2008)
- Study of the Fall 2007 implementation of Student Evaluations of Teaching at UBC Vancouver
- Executive Summary (March 2008)
- Report (March 2008)
Annual Reports
As per the UBC Vancouver Senate Policy, the Provost (UBCV) reports annually on the University questions.
- 2022-23
- 2021-22
- 2020-21
- 2019-20
- 2018-19
- 2017-18
- 2016-17
- 2015-16
- 2014-15
- 2013-14
- 2012-13
- 2011-12
- 2009-10 and 2010-11
- 2008-09
Workshop Recordings
- The UBC Vancouver Provost clarified the implementation of the policy in a memo to the community in November 2007.
Senate History
The UBC Vancouver Senate has been considering student evaluations since at least 1974.