If students login to the survey by using their CWL, how is their confidentiality maintained?
The UBC Vancouver Senate Policy on Student Evaluation of Teaching indicates that student evaluations are confidential: Evaluations of teaching shall ensure students’ confidentiality, e.g., the students will not be required to provide their name and/or student number.
Students are asked to provide their CWL as a means to control access — akin to making sure that their name is on the class list and they are therefore eligible to participate. A student can access the survey, fill out all or part of it, and save it to complete later.
The Senate Policy stipulates that student confidentiality is ensured in this process. If there is a threat of personal bodily harm or similar serious situation that requires a connection between student ID and response at the database level, advice would be sought from Office of the University Counsel prior to actioning such a request.
What UBC policy governs how UBC might use this information?
Two UBC policies in particular govern the use of data collected through its Information Technology Systems. The primary use of these confidential data is identified in the UBC Vancouver Senate Student Evaluation of Teaching Policy: [the]…University will use data from student evaluations of teaching to improve the learning environment of the University. In addition the University will use this data for operational purposes, including but not limited to assessment of faculty for promotion, tenure and institutional recognition.
The data management is also governed by Policy SC14, Information Systems Policy. See also the UBC Information Security standards, which are referenced by Policy SC14.
Can a student fill out the survey more than once?
No, the system tracks who has and who has not submitted surveys, and will send reminders until the deadline for completion. Once the survey has been submitted, the system sets a flag for that student that their survey has been completed. A student cannot submit a survey more than once. However, students may edit their responses until the survey close date.
What happens if a student accidentally submits the survey prior to completing it?
If a student submits a survey prematurely and would like to edit the response, the student can edit the survey response simply by visiting survey list on Canvas. Students may edit their response during the survey period.
Note: Students cannot edit a survey that is closed.
When are the results released to the instructors?
Survey results are not released until after grades are submitted (normally three weeks following the last day of exams).